BYD currently has a market cap of HK$68 billion, or about S$13 billion.
Homefield Advantage? Shenzhen taxi services often choose locally-based EV maker BYD. Photo: Andrew Vanburen

Translated by Andrew Vanburen from

CHINA’S TOP electric vehicle (EV) maker, BYD Co Ltd (HK: 1211), is stalled on the side of the proverbial road, with its Hong Kong-listed shares currently stuck at 52-week lows after the Shenzhen-based automaker’s 2010 net profit fell 33.5% to 2.52 bln yuan.

One bright spot for the firm – in which Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway holds a near 10% stake – was its battery and electronic components operations.

Last year, turnover increased by 18.28%, mainly due to the rapid growth of the handset components, assembly services and ODM businesses, but the overall slower growth prompted the company to not recommend a dividend for 2010.

Current price: 29.95 hkd

In 2009, the dividend was 0.33 yuan per ordinary share.

Let’s take a look at what went wrong with China’s most prominent EV maker and see what factors are needed to jumpstart its moribund valuation.

You’ll recall that BYD along with Tencent Holdings Ltd (HK: 700) were two of the biggest market darlings just two short years ago.

Back in the day, as they say, the world’s most famous living investor, Warren Buffett, was so bowled over with BYD’s potential that he poured 232 mln usd of his own investment firm’s money into the forward-looking automaker for a near 10% stake.

And Tencent, China’s biggest internet and mobile value-added services provider, owner of the ubiquitous QQ social networking service, was the most profitable internet firm in China in 2009, and as end-2010, the Hong Kong-listed firm is the world’s No.3 internet company behind Google and Amazon, with a total market cap of nearly 40 bln usd.

However, while Tencent continues to fly high (at times, its simultaneous on-line QQ users top 100 mln, or around a third the population of the US!), BYD has succumbed of late to what it describes in its annual earnings statement as “intense competition and rising distribution costs.”

BYD was founded in 1995 by Mr. Wang Chuanfu, who at last count was China’s wealthiest individual.

The dedicated producer of rechargeable batteries became the largest producer of cell phone batteries just a decade after launching the business, and made the semi-logical choice to diversify into electric vehicle production, purchasing a loss-making SOE automaker in 2003 followed up by a listing on Hong Kong’s mainboard in 2007.

Despite its F3 sedan being the bestselling model in the PRC last year, BYD has been spinning its wheels of late.

But despite its F3 sedan being the bestselling model in the PRC last year, BYD has been spinning its wheels of late.

I believe the two key words in BYD’s comeback are: “Buffett” and “electric.”

You will recall that “BYD” stands for “build your dreams.”

This Shenzhen-based firm needs to return to that mentality, the can-do futuristic energy that first attracted Warren Buffett two years ago.

That means, it needs to focus on its core strength: electric vehicles (EVs).

This runs counter to the company’s current sales mix, with its top-selling F3 sedan, which made up around a third of the BYD’s auto revenue, being somewhat less than futuristic and innovative.

Alex Wong, Director of Asset Management, Ample Capital

Firstly, it is not an EV, nor is it a hybrid, but runs wholly on old-fashioned fossil fuels.

Secondly, it has been harried by accusations within the industry that its appearance from the front is nearly a carbon copy of earlier-generation Toyota Corollas, while its rear is the spitting image of Honda’s Fit Aria.

True or otherwise, this is not the sort of chatter that “The World’s 16th Most Innovative Company of 2010” wants to hear associated with its name, and BYD would do well to get back to the creative credentials that first attracted Mr. Buffett and his checkbook.

Also not helping the cause have been reports from self-appointed worldwide whistleblower Wikileaks.

The tell-all website, which has been embarrassing world leaders and diplomatic circles for the past year, earlier this month reported that BYD’s proprietary rechargeable battery technology was not necessarily a result of “in-house” innovation, but may in fact be largely reverse-engineered using inferior components.

Again, these are only reports, and no one can honestly claim that Wikileaks has a monopoly on accuracy or veracity.

But these reports swirling around, a lackluster reporting season and what appears to be a casual Sunday drive away from the company’s core strength – hybrid/electric vehicles – is something that must reverse course if this company is to once again attain “darling” status among Hong Kong’s H shares.

Laozi, father of Taoism Image: Wikipedia

Victim of its own success?

Fifth century BC Chinese philosopher and mystic Laozi, considered by many to be the founder of Taoism, once said: “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”

This could apply to the meteoric rise of BYD, which began a few years ago making rechargeable batteries at a small factory in Shenzhen to having the top selling sedan in the world’s biggest auto market (China) last year.

Has this stupendous success gone to management’s head?

Does the company need to rethink its growth strategy to once again fire on all cylinders... or in BYD's case, power from all fuel cells?

BYD needs to return to its innovative ways, focus on the sustainable product lines and business models, and once again attract the attention of the most astute investors the world over – domestic and foreign.

In this way, it will drive China’s EV industry forward.

See also: CHINA AUTO: Domestic Consumption Sparking Sector



(文: 黃國英, 豐盛融資資產管理部董事)







孫子曰:「凡用兵之法,馳車千駟,革車千乘,帶甲十萬,千里饋糧;則內外之費,賓客之用,膠漆之材,車甲之奉,日費 千金,然後十萬之師舉矣。」儲能電站、太陽能電站、電動車之所以值錢,在於快人一步面市。


研發費用, 自不可缺,一如美、蘇當年鬥快登月,招兵買馬,大興土木,鬥快燒錢。


就像當年劉備,先據荊州為本,後圖益州。熟讀《三 國》,會明白今日之比亞迪,就是昔日劉備。話說劉備率眾入川,委關羽守大本營。後受命攻樊城,雲長剛愎自用,被呂蒙偷襲,痛失荊州豐沃之地。

單靠益州寡薄 的資源,難以支持蜀軍全滅魏、吳。







請閱讀: CHINA AUTO: Domestic Consumption Sparking Sector

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