
IN RECENT MONTHS, NextInsight has had a role in bringing you seminars featuring:

* Sebastian Chong at CIMB-Investment Centre.

The full-day event titled ‘Successful Investing’ taught participants how to evaluate the fundamentals of businesses and stocks. (Photo on the right)





* Janice Loh at Kim Eng Securities.

The 2-hour event taught participants the risks and rewards of using CFD in trading. (Photo on the right)

We are in the midst of organising another workshop on CFD.


Now, in partnership with Lim & Tan Securities, we invite you to a seminar on Sunday, Aug 1, featuring Charlie Lau.

Charlie Lau has lived and breathed the stock market for the past 40 years. Photo: Joan Kuan

Why Charlie Lau:

1) Experience: Few chart experts have been in the market for as long as he. Charlie is 67 years old, though he looks a lot younger.

He has lived and breathed the stock market daily for a good 40 years, since he became a remisier.

That's why Charlie is regularly called on to speak at seminars on chart reading.

2) He has made it, thank you: Charlie has made his money using his own tools of the trade, which is not necessarily the case for other trainers.

Privacy prevents him from divulging too much about his success but he is proud that he could afford to cough up $1 million cash to pay for his three sons’ tertiary education and stay in Australia many years ago.

What Charlie wants to teach:

You will learn how to anticipate the trend of a stock and how to maximize your gain in buying and in selling. 

Charlie says: “You do not need to have any prior knowledge on charts to follow my course. After completing my 4-hour Chart Reading Course, even without charts, you would be able to ask your broker to look into certain chart indicators to maximize your gain in buying and in selling. You would definitely not be conned into buying at the Hi prices amidst all the “hoo-ha” news of a stock.”

Charlie Lau’s chart reading tutorial is a “one-stop” guide to help investors and speculators to understand the TREND of a stock and to MAXIMIZE their gain in buying and in selling.

Charlie doesn’t teach from chart books but from the depths of his experience. And he uses 
simple terms instead of complicated sounding jargon.

Even participants who do not use computers regularly can gain from this tutorial. They would know how to ask their brokers the correct questions before they buy or sell. The benefits of buying a few bids lower and selling a few bids higher are enormous over a life-time of investing once this skill is acquired.

Charlie speaking on the market outlook to 150 paying participants last December.
Photo: Joan Kuan


Charlie has been speaking at public events for 10 years.
Photo: Joan Kuan

How much is your investment?

Your investment in the upcoming Aug 1 seminar is just $150.

Aside from trading insights, participants will be shown where to get charts for free. This is already a saving of almost $1,000. For those who already have MetaStock charts, Charlie will show them where to get free down-loading of data. This is a saving of at least $200 a year. The sources are legal..

Sign up now:

Intake for this course is limited to one classroom size. Sign up early to avoid disappointment. Previous similar chart reading courses by Charlie were always filled up within one week of launch.

Course materials and refreshments will be provided.



Open an online account with Su Li during this workshop to receive a special promotion of $50 Lim Tan Voucher after performing 3 online trades within the first three months of account opening. For further enquiries, Please contact Su Li at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or her mobile number at 9776 1202.For more information on Lim & Tan Securities existing promotions and company profile, please visit their website at If you are keen to find out more about Mobile Broking as a career, please contact Mr. Lionel Leong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or contact him at 6437 0137.

Image Lim & Tan Securities was amongst the first broking houses to introduce Internet Share Trading in Singapore in October 1998. Well known for their user friendly online platform, it is extremely simple to navigate even for beginners. In addition, the platform offers multiple additional features such as real time live charts and fully customizable trading screens and layout.

The Company provides several channels of trading namely, internet, mobile phone, voice activated and advisory. With the latest addition of mTrade which allows clients to use smartphones such as iPhones and Blackberry for trading, Lim & Tan has now brought the convenience of trading to a whole new level.

In addition, Lim & Tan Securities have tied up with Net Research Asia to supplement their own in-house research. Products offered include cash trading, margin accounts and CFD for long/short trades. With Lim & Tan mileage points or NTUC Linkpoints earned for every transaction, trading with Lim & Tan Securities makes for a compelling choice indeed.

A complimentary copy of the latest edition of Shares Investment will be given to each participant.

Since July 1995, Shares Investment has been a sought after publication by both the investing public and local stock-broking houses such as UOB-Kay Hian, Phillip Securities, Kim Eng Securities and DBS Vickers Securities. 

In all, every issue is used by more than 30,000 readers for stock insights (via articles) and information on revenue/profit trends of listed companies.

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