Two Millenia Old Investment Guru: Kong Ming (aka: Zhuge Liang), war strategist extraordinaire.
Photo: cathay.cn.cn.

Translated by Andrew Vanburen from 
改變投資陋習 目標非黑即白

If you want to change your strategy, first establish a specific target for what you want to change and how you want things to look afterwards.

In the epic Chinese novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” renowned military strategist Kong Ming (aka: Zhuge Liang) is one of the most stand-out characters, a true stand-up guy, and a 2,000-year old historical figure who offers valuable insights into successful modern-day investment strategies.

He regularly injects himself into a myriad of convoluted, highly hazardous conundrums that would be the undoing of most key advisors to any government – nevermind the fact that he served during one of China’s most tumultuous periods of political upheaval, several centuries ago.

But despite the fact that Kong Ming is long dead and gone, his spirit lives on with a passion, being one of the most popular virtual heroes in the rabidly popular “San Guo” or “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” suite of online games, with whole communities well-versed in his exploits and achievements – both historical and virtual.

But I would like to see his lessons applied outside of the Internet cafes, and inside both bourses and boardrooms.

For he always calculated all risks meticulously before throwing in his lot, and by that he may have been China’s most successful hedge fund manager, far before such a career designation even came into being.

On finding a wife, which he believed was the first and most important campaign of a successful politician cum-military strategist, he approached the challenge like a scout reporting back to base -- a reconnaissance mission that sounds alot like how the experts make their stock picks.

Scour the terrain, get as close to the targets without being noticed, make comparative observations of the most entrenched objects, then hasten back to the relative safety of your own military bivouac to thoughtfully review the vista you have just espied and soberly process the data in a rational way, deciding which offered the best rewards while demanding the most tolerable risk levels.

Painting from Three Kingdoms Period (220 AD to 280 AD), temporal setting for Kong Ming. Image: Wikipedia

Or, jumping ahead just a bit, if you find yourself fleeing the ancient city of Jingzhou with 3,000 army cavalry in hot pursuit, try to find the poise amidst the turmoil to time your “heroic retreat” in such a way that some of the leading candidates in your nuptial search campaign are witness to your honor and bravery so that the scene can be used to your advantage down the road... provided you survive the foxhunt (with you being the fox in this case).

And this “retreat” led the armies of Wu into ambush after ambush, which Kong Ming and his allies were able to use via cumulative effect to notch up victory after victory, eventually leading to overwhelming success for his monarch Liu Bei, with Kong Ming fighting for the survival and eventual prominence of the Shu Dynasty.

Zhou Yu, leader of the opposition, thus foolishly spent so many resources by way of manpower, horses, ammunition, armaments... and most importantly, time... chasing a decoy that had piqued his interest, and all of his assets were thus tied down pursuing this “white whale” while the true objective was left unattended to and his foes gained the upper ground.

Was Kong Ming after a wife? Or out to divert the core resources of his foes away from their original targets so his commanders could charge forth unopposed?

Either way, he ended up with the girl and the glory.

Why the focus on Kong Ming, who thrived during China’s Three Kingdoms Period (220 AD to 280 AD)?

Because I believe many of the tactics and long-term strategies of Kong Ming, though nearly two millennia old, are applicable to successful investment practices in the modern world.

He became an immortal historical figure for his meticulous planning before each military campaign, no matter how extensive, and this certainly helped solidify his reputation as one of the most successful warriors/advisors in Chinese history.

Alex Wong, Director of Asset Management, Ample Capital

He realized that a plan needed expert forethought before execution if it was to have any chance of being successful.

Yes, every journey begins with a single step.

But in the high-risk, high-stakes world of equity investment, it is better to pause before taking that first step and plan your route carefully, than to haphazardly step out in a random direction for the sole purpose of getting things in motion.

It is far more efficient to move forward deliberately and with purpose than to realize halfway down the road that the bridge is washed out up ahead and you have to hike back to square one.

Therefore, if you want to change your investment strategy... or pursue a new business plan, by all means plan it out first, with specific objectives in mind.

Avoid thinking in terms of “gray” but consider all variables in black and white. This will simplify your operations and be far, far more time efficient.

Planning is action, after all, and should not be looked down upon as a form of procrastination.

Anyone else as fascinated as I am with the history of Kong Ming can read his abbreviated life story here: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/three_kingdoms/zhugeliang.htm


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改變投資陋習 目標非黑即白

(文: 黃國英, 豐盛融資資產管理部董事)


三國演義的三個英雄 Wikipedia



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