I have been following the company blumont/asiasons and liongold quite a bit. Interesting happenings like this either pops up opportunities for improving regulation (for sgx) to protect investors with things like trading restrictions, observing shortselling and soon to come circuit breakers....issues with remisiers and brokerage houses for managing credit risk and contra trading and finally opportunities for retail investors and such.
I have quantified all 3 stocks with their risk and returns. I do feel that the downside is limited, the upside however leaves much to imagination. Do check it out on my blog.
Cheers and stay sharp, stay safe.
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by Bobby64. Reason: Additional details
Sori for the repeat news but wonder why this Goh see in Bluemont?..by Nov 7 the CEO will be replaced by the angmo..doubt anything fishy as Bluemont is now on everyone's spot light
Blumont : On 23.10.13, one Goh Seh Kiat became a SSH of Blumont after purchasing 154,940,274 shares...on 25 Oct he bought another 40mil
samon_yy ( Date: 28-Oct-2013 17:39) Posted:
Goh Seh Kiat have acquired 7.5% percent of blumont shares, it is a good sign someone still interest in it.