This counter is under-promoted to the market. I don't think any house covers it even if they cover Foreland, Taisan, etc. CIMB once or twice wrote about the stock but has not done it consistently. Does Fibretech have any investor relations person?
Invest scared! Worry about the possibility of loss. Worry that there’s something you don’t know. Worry that you can make high quality decisions but still be hit by bad luck or surprise events. Investing scared will prevent hubris; will keep your guard up and your mental adrenaline flowing; will make you insist on adequate margin of safety; and will increase the chances that your portfolio is prepared for things going wrong. And if nothing does go wrong, surely the winners will take care of themselves.
Excerpted from a fund manager's letter that you can only benefit by reading it:
It is regretable that I cannot go for the AGM tomorrow (28.4.2011) due to my work commitments.
I would like to ask whether there is any NextInsight forummer who is a CFT shareholder going to the AGM.
I would appreciate it if you could ask management their intention in keeping such a big cash hoard in the bank. If the cash is to be used for the increase in the plant production capacity, would the returns be good and will this translate to dividends?
Cos if the cash is to be returned back to the shareholders via privatisation, then it may be good for management and minority shareholders like myself to say bye bye to this Company, and move on.
Also any plans for dual-listing like other firms? If yes, please let the shareholders know.
Also do they have any personnel doing Investor-Relationship? I dont hear much about CFT. Is Mr Kek Poh Hean CFO, China Fibretech Ltd supposed to be doing the IR function? If yes, where is his contribution? If no, why is there no IR function with the Company?
I as a shareholder believed in their turnaround story, but the Company's share price is depressing. Just feel that the Company is NOT doing enough to go justice to the share price.
Last edit: 13 years 8 months ago by lisa. Reason: .
Anyone went to the AGM today? Pls share any insights if you did. This stock looks too tempting -- but people don't have the conviction to accumulate even though it's 7 cents and the damn cash is 13 cents !!!
Didn't attend the AGM. but the announcements to sgx is enough to disappoint me, although there are some silver lining. First, the bad news.. Manpower deployment, independent director retires, an rookie who is son of CEO appointed deputy general manager. To me, bad coporate governance.. Next, revenue for q1 is 62 million when my estimates is 100 million. Quite a big shortfall. Q1 is shorter and weaker due to some orders already spilled into 4 q due to cny. However, as they mention they have already collected 60 million receivables as of Jan , I thought an good q1 was in the big but j was wrong. 2 months of sales was offset by it's payables.. After the gloom, some positives. Company has indeed turn around, with 2nd straight quarter of profits. Net asset per shares is now Almost 22 cents compare to it's price of 7 cents. Cash per share also improve to almost 14 cents. Company is firmly on path to earning recovery despite the slower pace. At least the outlook is that they expect to do better than 2010. So. Do I hold or sell? I hold for it's undervalued assets and cash. But those hoping q1 to provide the catalyst for the price to cheong might have to wait longer, ESP with the us jobless claims ticking up and poor GDP q1, I expect us market to do badly which should have rock on effects on the STI tomorrow. Sigh..... Anyone questions the management during AGM?